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New ways to attract and qualify professors

Federal-state program "UAS Staff": Prof@HTWD

We want to attract the best minds and [...] therefore, we will work more intensively in the future on strategies for personnel development and present ourselves as a university even more visibly as an attractive employer with an interesting working environment.

Prof. Anne-Katrin Haubold, Prorector



The federal-state program "UAS Staff" supports the development and implementation of university- and location-specific concepts for new ways to recruit and qualify young professors. HTW Dresden is also a recipient of six years of funding and has launched the "Prof@HTWD" project.

The fact is that our university is facing a generational change in its professorial staff. An above-average number of professors will retire in the coming years. The project "Prof@HTWD" focuses on the adequate filling of these positions and develops modern and innovative concepts for the targeted qualification of the next generation of professors. We show ways into the HAW professorship and create clarity about the job description, the necessary appointment requirements as well as hiring criteria.



Our objectives and measures for filling professorships

We want to build and expand networks. Therefore, we have created the LinkedIn group "Professorial Career" for scientists, professionals and postdocs who are interested in the career path of the HAW professorship. We share there event invitations, announcements and insights into the job description as well as HTW Dresden. The group is for networking and exchange between members.

Interested people can join our pool of candidates and receive offers that match their subject and interest profile. These are, for example, invitations to events and qualification measures (trade fair, congress, workshops, coachings, etc.), job offers or teaching positions.

With a tool set of innovative methods and instruments, we are expanding the internal consulting services for the appointment committees at our university.

On our website, interested parties and applicants can find out about a typical appointment process and learn what is important when applying. With so-called candidate journeys, we prepare the way to the HTW Dresden medially in order to provide an authentic insight into the appointment process. The job description of the HAW professorship is discussed and presented in multimedia form.

Information on the appointment process at HTW Dresden can be found under "Career goal: professorship". Please also have a look at our job offers for professors.

There are different paths to an HAW professorship. We provide information about this in our networks, also using concrete examples. Here, we specifically address postdocs and doctoral students as well as scientists and professionals who have already completed their doctorates. We actively distribute our offers and those of our partners in regional, national and international networks. The project "Prof@HTWD" thus becomes a mediator and multiplier for qualification and employment offers for postdocs and young professors.

Together with our project and network partners DRESDEN concept e.V., Silicon Saxony as well as the HAWtech-Verbund we show career paths for postdoc scientists in workshops. With information, networking and qualification offers, we actively support interested parties who want to decide on the career goal "UAS professorship".

Especially for women from the DRESDEN-concept institutions, the network "Women@DDc" has been created (à LinkedIn group). This serves the networking and support of female scientists and science managers of all status groups.

By testing new work models for professorships, we want to do justice to the individual life plans and career ideas of the target group and offer attractive career options to female and international candidates in particular.

Together with the Institute for Materials Research (IFW) Dresden, we are implementing a professorship based on the Jülich model for the first time. We are currently awarding two one-year visiting professorships for international researchers who can get to know the university operations at HTW Dresden and thus qualify for a later professorship at a university of applied sciences (HAW). New professorships that are to be filled are optionally advertised as research professorships in order to attract scientists with an affinity for research to our university.



Become part of our talent pool!

As a network member, we will inform you about special offers and news from our job portal:

  • Networking, and information events as well as qualification offers around the HAW professorship.
  • Career and personnel development opportunities 
  • Job postings for professorships as well as teaching assignments



Further information about the UAS professorship



The project team

We are supported by:

[Translate to English:] Logos des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung, der gemeinsamen Wissenschaftskonferenz (GWK) und des Freistaates Sachsen