UIIN Conference in Amsterdam: 13.-15.06.2022
HTW Dresden was represented at this year's University-Industry Interaction Network (UIIN) Conference in Amsterdam with three presentations. In addition to Prof. Baierl and Prof. Thamm, who reported on higher education in the field of entrepreneurship and digitalisation, Prof. Günther presented key research results from the Transfer Indicator (Transfer_i) project. In addition, Ms. Popova, a research assistant, presented a separate lecture. In addition, Ms Popova, a research assistant, presented the TRIZ Reverse innovation method developed at the HTW Dresden in her own lecture. All presentations were followed by a number of interested questions and discussions.
Background: The UIIN conference takes place once a year in a European capital and attracts several hundred participants from all over the world. The professional audience includes representatives from universities and research institutes as well as companies and (business) associations. The conference celebrated its 10th anniversary this year and is thus a firm pillar in the field of knowledge and technology transfer.
More information: UIIN 2022 Website
Contact: Prof. Dr. Swen Günther, swen.guenther(at)htw-dresden.de