![[Translate to English:] Alle Teilnehmenden vor dem Zentralgebäude der HTW Dresden fotografiert](/fileadmin/HTW/Hochschule/1_Aktuelles/23_Bilder_News/230613_Tagung_Ostpartnerschaften.jpg)
Conference Ostpartner
Exchange of ideas and lively networking as a driving force for cooperation.
We look back happily to our conference “Ostpartner”: Exciting days full of interesting discussions, interdisciplinary exchange and lectures lie behind us! From June 6 to 8, the HTWD hosted the conference Ostpartner within the framework of the DAAD funding programme and HTWDgoesEU. Colleagues from Prague, Budapest, Tbilisi, Hanoi and Hangzhou together with colleagues of HTWD enriched the conference with presentations in the fields #international #digital #sustainable and had the possibility to deepen networks and break down new collaboration opportunities. Our guests also had the opportunity to visit laboratories and service facilities of the HTWD and actively participate in the Dies academicus.
A big thank from the organisation team goes to all presenters, supporters and participants!