Pillnitz castle
In addition to workshops, the programme also included a guided tour of Pillnitz Palace
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Kick-Off Workshop in Entrepreneurship Education at the University of Applied Sciences in Dresden

For the first time, lecturers and students from Germany, Jordan and Uzbekistan came together to jointly design a new master's programme in entrepreneurship.

As part of the project "intercultural Co-Creation for international Entrepreneurship Education (iCCiEE)", funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), teachers and students from the participating universities in Jordan, Uzbekistan, and Germany met at the University of Applied Sciences in Dresden in early May. In an intensive series of workshops, they collaborated, alongside visiting stakeholders, to develop the foundations and roadmap for the creation of a master's level study programme in entrepreneurship. This was the first of a total of four events planned at different locations over the next few months.

"The main objective of the two-year project is to develop a framework for a joint entrepreneurship master's programme and thereby stimulate dialog between the participating universities and their members," said Professor Baierl, one of the two project leaders. His colleague Professor Thamm added that: "In the scheduled workshops, participants will not only acquire professional and methodological knowledge, but will also be able to directly experience or try out innovative teaching methods”.

Through the intensive work in transnational teams, the project promotes intercultural exchange between the participants. This dialogue takes place both in small groups of international students, during working sessions of all project participants, and during intercultural excursions. For example, an excursion to the IKTS Fraunhofer Institute and to Saxon Switzerland, as well a tour through the historic part of Dresden and Pillnitz Palace offered diverse insights into the cultural and historical features of the region.

About the project

The project is funded by the DAAD within the programme framework "Higher education Dialogue with the Muslim World 2023 - 2024" with funds from the German Federal Foreign Office. Under the project leadership of Professor Baierl and Professor Thamm, HTW Dresden is cooperating with the German Jordanian University in Amman (Jordan) and the New Uzbekistan University in Tashkent (Uzbekistan), and is supported by TUM International GmbH.

For more information about the project, visit https://ogy.de/iCCiEE .

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Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Ronny Baierl

Professorship of Key Qualifications

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Ronny Baierl

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. René Thamm

Dean of Studies Bachelor Business Administration

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. René Thamm