#closedbutopen – Library work in times of Corona
Although the library is currently not open to the public, users do not have to do without the service. A gradual re-opening is being planned.
It is quiet and lonely in the university library at the moment. Where people normally study, study and discuss, there is now an almost eerie silence. In order to support the employees and students of our university in this time of crisis, there are two colleagues each in the library on weekdays from 9:00 to 15:00. They take inquiries, order books, systematize and catalogue in order to keep the stock up-to-date for teaching purposes. They are the contact persons for all small and large concerns. In addition, in the home office they check, among other things, licences for databases and e-books, obtain new offers, check, purchase and enter the data into the catalogue in order to make all new electronic acquisitions accessible to users as quickly as possible. A great deal of media and information can be made available in this way, regardless of location. The library's wide range of training courses can also be used virtually. Webinars on the subject of library use, database research or the Citavi literature administration program are held within courses by arrangement. Documents for self-study training are also available in the OPAL course room of the library. Work on projects scheduled for 2020 will of course continue as far as possible. For example, an electronic room booking tool is to be developed, a large exhibition on the subject of Open Science is planned for October, and the redesign of the learning rooms is also being further advanced.
Plans are currently being made for the gradual re-opening. "We hope that the rooms will soon be filled with life again, naturally in compliance with strict hygienic rules," says library director Petra-Sibylle Stenzel. "A library lives above all from its users, and we greatly miss this direct contact. At the moment we are only keeping in touch with staff and students in a virtual way. However, we are pleased that we can make a significant contribution to the success of studies and teaching in these difficult times".